Tuesday 19 February 2013

[ScreenCap] BAP - ONE SHOT

I actually have no rational words to explain how happy, excited, hyper, bad-ass, fired up and more on B.A.P's most recent comeback. I have just been replaying ALL of B.A.P's songs (from debut till now) in response to my B.A.P mode right now. I did not do a review for this song, instead a screencap because I would just be writing a LOOOOOOONG essay on the things going in here, both MV wise & song wise. I gotta admit, capturing more than 150 photos was no easy task but it was all worth it. I hope you found your favourite ones & appreciate it in all its glory! I hope the color adjustments are fine since the blue tint felt odd as a photo. I tried to arrange the photos according to the plot as well as in groups of similar theme. You may find shot of your favourite moment or scene or pose!! Just to mention, some photos may seem a little awkward but I took it for the sake of eye candy *wink2* hahaha~ Now, let's just quite the chit & proceed to the check  /( > 3 >)/  If you have not seen the MV, PLEASE do so first before spazzing (maybe?) over the photos!!


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