Saturday 9 March 2013


Being a BIG fan of B.A.P myself, I am totally into the whole concept of the Matoki characters (even if I wasn't a B.A.P fan, i would still LOVE this comic art). To those who are new or unfamiliar on this, B.A.P made their debut with the concept of 6 aliens landing on earth, in search of alternative energy resources for their planet back home (called Matoki Planet). Each member has his own respective character and is said (at a certain degree) to represent the members themselves. Now this may be similar to EXO's concept whom are also creatures of outer space with super natural power but B.A.P has a more comical, animated approach than EXO's sophisticated image. Which, personally, fits B.A.P very much so since they are of the hip hop, masculine yet still a youth at heart. I will start of by introducing each Matoki character in accordance to the members, including an intro video made by TS Entertainment themselves!

Bang Yong Guk a.k.a SHISHIMATO

Kim Himchan a.k.a TATSMATO

Jung Daehyun a.k.a KEKEMATO

Yoo Youngjae a.k.a JOKOMATO

Moon Jong Up a.k.a DADAMATO

Choi Junhong (Zelo) a.k.a TOTOMATO

Now that you are familiar to the characters, I will move on to the Matoki's own debut. Yes, even the Matoki has its own debut!! When B.A.P pre-released "Goodbye" as a single before their "No Mercy" album, the Matoki made their first official appearance in a short MV of 'Goodbye', giving us fans a brief explanation on how these Matoki came upon earth. Have a watch of the video below:

Not only through this video but also short comic strips of Matoki's Adventure are shown on its official facebook page. Check it out here if you haven't:
Being a fan of arts & craft originally, I absolutely love the style & colouring used in this theme! Its simple, cute and has very much potential of becoming most-desirable merchandises. On the characters, the twist in their mischief antiques & behaviours provides us fans a fresh look on B.A.P as an idol group in the very-much-saturated K-POP industry. Please take note, Daehyun's mascot, KEKEMATO, is in fact a female bunny!! Which doesn't exactly counter DaeJae's shipping, rather adds in the fun ( ^ o ^ ) That's all from me on Matoki~ hope you enjoyed the artworks!! Below are some screenshots of the videos itself~

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